Email:     ISSN - 2790 - 7899       HEC Recognized 'Y' Category Journal

Submission Guidelines

The author will send the manuscript to the Editor, Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences, Lahore College for Women University using the Online Submission Link.

Your Paper Your Way Policy (YPYW)

JMAS is considering initial submissions with the YPYW policy, first adopted by Elsevier journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine in 2011. It is now extended to hundreds of Elsevier journals. YPYW is a more straightforward submission process, focusing on the quality of the science in the initial stages of submission and only requiring elements needed for eventual production at the revision stage. If papers are rejected, this more straightforward submission process saves authors time and effort and may help them achieve faster publication speeds.

For further details, you may visit

YPYW requirements
• Authors may submit their manuscript (text, figures and tables) as a single file. This can be a Word file in any format or layout, and figures and tables can be placed within the text.
• Figures should be of high enough quality for refereeing.
• There are no strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to evaluate a manuscript (Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, Artwork and Tables with Captions).
• References can be in any style or format, as long as the style is consistent. Author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, article title (where required), year of publication, volume & issue /book chapter and the pagination must be present. Use of DOI is highly encouraged. JMAS prefer APA 6 as the referencing style, and it will be applied to the accepted articles at the proof stage.
• When a paper reaches the revision stage, authors will be requested to deliver any items that are still required for publication, for example, editable source files.

Source: (

General Instructions and Formatting

Length of Paper
The paper should not exceed 6000 words (including footnotes and references). Paper containing more than 6000 will be returned to the author(s) to abridge.

The manuscript's language must be in English (either American or British standard, but not the mixture of both).

Title Page
The title page is a separate page before the text. It should include the following information.
• Title:
o The title should be concise and informative. Try to avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
• Author(s) name and Affiliation(s)
o Author(s) should indicate the given name and family name. Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and, if available, the email address and telephone number of each author.
o Author(s) should not mention names and affiliation in the main text of the manuscript
• Corresponding Author
o Indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing, publication and also post-publication. Ensure that telephone numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the email address and the complete postal address.
• Sponsoring Information
o If the research is sponsored or supported by an organization, please indicate it.

A concise and factual abstract is required (maximum length of 250 words). The abstract should state the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions briefly.

Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords, separated by a comma. Author(s) should avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of').

Subdivision of the Articles
Author(s) should subdivide their article into various sections. They may use heading style from APA heading style.

Table and Figures
Author(s) may present tables and figures in line with the text. Please note that the article will be published in black and white.

References should be up to date. The latest references mean within five years.
Author(s) should follow the latest edition of APA style in referencing. Please visit to learn more about APA style.
• Citations in the text
o Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Avoid citation in the abstract. Unpublished results and personal communications should not be in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
• Reference List
o References should be arranged according to APA 6 style of referencing

Reference to a Journal Publication:
Cheung, J. M. Y., Bartlett, D. J., Armour, C. L., Laba, T. L., & Saini, B. (2018). To drug or not to drug: A qualitative study of patients' decision-making processes for managing insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16(1), 1-26. doi:10.1080/15402002.2016.1163702
Reference to a Book:
De Vaus, D. A. (2014). Surveys in social research. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin.

Reference to a Chapter in an Edited Book:
McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge. In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.
Reference to a Web Source:

• Webpage with author-name
HealthTimes. (2015). The future of aged care nursing in Australia. Retrieved from

• Webpage without author-name
$250m funding boost for malaria vaccine. (2003). Retrieved from

Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submitting the manuscript, author(s) should check the following list:

1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word file.
3. Initial Manuscript submission may be made through YPYW policy; after acceptance, the manuscript should be submitted according to author guidelines of JMAS.
4. The author(s) must not mention their name and affiliation in the main text.
5. A conflict-of-interest statement should be submitted by the author(s).
6. Contribution statement of each author should be submitted by corresponding author in separate word file
7. A plagiarism report should be submitted along with the manuscript.
8. Authorship certificate should be submitted at the time of submission.
9. Author(s) make sure to read all the guidelines of the journal.

Common Reasons
for Manuscript Rejection

Manuscripts can be rejected for many reasons, but these can generally be divided into technical and editorial reasons. Technical reasons usually require more work, such as further experiments or analyses before your work can be published. Technical reasons for rejection include:

• The manuscript provides incomplete data such as too small a sample size or missing or inadequate controls.
• The author presents Poor analysis, such as using inappropriate statistical tests or a lack of statistics altogether.
• The manuscript presents an inappropriate methodology for answering your hypothesis or using an old methodology that has been surpassed by newer, more powerful methods that provide more robust results.
• Weak research motive where your hypothesis is not clear or scientifically valid or your data does not answer the question posed.
• The author presents inaccurate conclusions on assumptions that are not supported by the data.
• Author's guidelines of JMAS not followed.
Editorial Reasons for Rejection include:
• Out of scope for the journal.
• The manuscript has not enough impact on the body of knowledge
• Research ethics ignored consent for tool use or approval from an ethics committee for data collection.
• Lack of proper structure or not following journal formatting requirements.
• Lack of the necessary detail for readers to fully understand and repeat the authors' analysis and research design.
• Lack of up-to-date references or references containing a high proportion of self-citations.
• It has poor language quality, such that readers cannot understand it.
• It is challenging to follow logic or poorly presented data.
• Violation of publication ethics.

These rejection reasons can be avoided by following the journal-specific guidelines, ensuring you write a coherent paper in good English, and honestly assessing your work when deciding on a target journal.